Detox-Why is it So Important!

What is Detox and why do we need it

Detoxification is the natural removal of toxins from the body. Toxins such as pollutants, synthetic chemicals, heavy metals, processed foods and alcohol combined with a modern lifestyle (stress, sleep deprivation and diets with little nutritional value) can overburden your body, increase the toxic load and negatively affect health.


Fortunately, your body is able to eliminate toxins through the liver, kidneys, digestive system, skin and lungs and doesn’t require special diets or supplements long-term. But you can enhance your body’s natural detoxification system in order to improve general health. The aim of the detoxing is to help the body rid itself of toxins.


Signs of your body needing a Detox

– Your digestion is troublesome including constipation, gas, bloating

– You often have headache and lack of mental clarity

– You feel fatigued, tired, stressed and overwhelmed

– You have skin problems and /or a bad breath

– You are lacking energy, feeling unmotivated and emotionally unstable, and suffering from mood swings


Health benefits of a Detox

– Boosts energy and reduces fatigue

– Improves skin

– Reduces inflammation

– Improves liver function

– Improves digestion and reduces bloating

– Helps to reduce habits such as cravings for sugar or stimulants such as coffee and alcohol

– Improves weight


Thanks for reading!


Lidija x

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